Notice of Race – Northwest Arm Learn to Sail Regatta

Dinghy Race – Thursday August 22, 2024

Keelboat Race – Saturday August 24, 2024

Armdale Yacht Club

75 Burgee Run,
Halifax, NS B3P 2B3
Ph: 902 477 4617
Organizing Authority: 
Armdale Yacht Club Sailing School

1.  Rules

1.1 – The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).

1.2 – The Sail Canada Code of Conduct applies to athletes and support persons, such as coaches and parents, at all times and infractions will be subject to action by the protest committee.

1.3 – The Regatta will be subject to any public health measures or similar regulations of the Province of Nova Scotia that are in effect at the time and infractions may result in administrative dismissal from the AYC grounds or the field of play without reference to the protest committee.

1.4 – Racing Rules will be changed as follows:

1.4.1 – Rule 40.1 [requiring each competitor to wear a personal flotation device except briefly while changing or adjusting clothing or personal equipment] applies at all times while afloat.

2. Sailing Instructions

SIs will be posted on the AYC Learn to Sail website and/or the website no later than end of day August 21th, 2024.  Competitors are reminded to secure the SIs for the fleets and courses on which they sail.

3. Communication

3.1 – Coach boats shall carry a VHF radio capable of communicating on channels 69, 71, and 72 so they are available for emergency situations.

4. Eligibility, Entry, and Fees

4.1 – The Regatta is open to eligible participants enrolled in a Learn to Sail program at yacht clubs and sail training organizations.

Yacht Clubs or organizations wishing to send competitors must support sailors with at least one coach boat and instructor. Where this is not possible or feasible, prior arrangements must be made with the Organizing Authority for such supports to ensure adequate supervision of sailors during the Regatta.

4.2 – The Regatta is open to eligible Sail Able class participants, regardless of the number of registrants.

4.3 – The Regatta is open to participants In the following classes provided registration is completed and fees are paid on the AYC Learn to Sail website on or before August 21, 2023.  Entrants may transfer to another class for which they are eligible at any time prior to August 21, 2023.

  • Optimist
  • Club 420 (White Sail)
  • Club 420 (Spinnaker Class)
  • ILCA (7 Laser Standard, 6 Laser Radial and 4.7 Laser)
  • Select keelboats as used by Learn to Sail Programs at the Prescribed Clubs, including:
    • Soling;J22;
    • J24; and
    • Others upon the prior approval of the Organizing Authority.

4.4 – On-site registration is not available, but each of the following “Host Clubs” will provide an area for participants to sign in as well as to get information on the day of the regatta:

  • Armdale Yacht Club – Sign-in/registration begins at 10 am at the AYC Sailing School.

4.5 – All information required for registration must be received electronically by the Organizing Authority by 5 PM on Wednesday August 21st.

4.6 – Coaches shall register with the Organizing Authority (OA) by email at in copy on or before August 21, 2024. Coaches shall include their names and sail numbers of the competitors they are coaching, contact information during the event, and signed acceptance of Sail Canada’s Coaches Code of Conduct. The Coaches Code of Conduct is located here.

4.7 – Fees for competitors are:

  • Dinghy – $20 per competitor
  • Keelboat – $45 per competitor

4.8 – Fees include provision of a regatta event hat, snacks, and refreshments (including a water station for refilling water bottles) at each of the Host Clubs.

4.9 – Fees do not include meals (e.g., lunches). Competitors and coaches are encouraged to arrange for their own provision of lunch, including delivery storage on site. Competitors, coaches and parents should bring their own refillable water bottles.

4.10 – Meeting special dietary needs is the responsibility of competitors, their coaches and/or parents.  The Organizing Authority and Host Clubs assume no responsibility or liability for specific dietary needs of competitors, coaches or parents.

4.11 – Fees do not include on-land storage of boats used by competitors in the Regatta other than those boats or vessels owned by the Host Clubs and/or their members. It is envisioned that competitors from Host Clubs will sail their boats and dinghies to the sailing area for use in the Regatta from their Host Club. Competitors originating from outside the Host Clubs and wishing to trailer and launch boats for participation in the Regatta must make such arrangements with one of the Host Clubs.

5. Schedule

5.1 – Dinghy racing – The schedule is as follows:

DateTimeWhat’s happening
21 August 20231700 (5 pm) ADTOnline registration closes (available at AYC as of 10 am August 22)
22 August 20231000 – 1100 hoursSign-in at the Host Clubs (AYC)
1100 hoursOpti Fleet Competitors/Coaches Meeting
1110 hoursC420 Fleet Competitors/Coaches Meeting
1120 hoursILCA/Laser Fleet Competitors/Coaches Meeting
1200 hoursFirst warning signal Award
After racingPresentations (AYC Sailing School Building) and BBQ

5.2 – Keelboat racing – The schedule is as follows:

DateTimeWhat’s happening
23 August 20231700 (5 pm) ADTOnline registration closes (available at AYC as of 10 am August 24)
24 August 20231000 – 1100 hoursSign-in at the Host Clubs (AYC)
1100 hoursKeelboat Fleet Competitors/Coaches Meeting
1200 hoursFirst warning signal Award
After racingPresentations (AYC Sailing School Building) and BBQ

6. Venue

6.1 – Opti, C420 and ILCA/Laser fleets are scheduled to race within the Northwest Arm.

6.2 – Keelboats will race out of the Northwest Arm, into the Halifax Harbour, and return to the Northwest Arm to finish.

7. Scoring

7.1 – One race is required to constitute a series.

7.2 – When fewer than 4 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of its race scores.

7.3 – When 4 or more races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of its race scores excluding its worst score.

7.4 – There will be a maximum of 5 races in the Opti, C420, and ILCA/Laser fleets.

7.5 – There will be a maximum of 1 race in the Keelboat fleet.

8. Support Person Vessels

Support person vessels shall be marked by an orange ribbon.

9. Risk Statement

RRS 3 states: ‘The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue to race is hers alone.’  By participating in this event each competitor agrees and acknowledges that sailing is a potentially dangerous activity with inherent risks.  These risks include strong winds and rough seas, sudden changes in weather, failure of equipment, boat handling errors, poor seamanship by other boats, loss of balance on an unstable platform and fatigue resulting in increased risk of injury.  Inherent in the sport of sailing is the risk of permanent, catastrophic injury or death by drowning, trauma, hypothermia or other causes.

10. Insurance

It is the competitor’s responsibility to have adequate third-party liability coverage in effect for the duration of the event.  Insurance will not be checked at registration.  Participation in the event is the competitors’ or competitors’ parent’s confirmation of having such insurance in place.

11. Prizes

Prizes will be awarded to all skippers and crew as follows:

Optimist OpenParticipation Ribbons for all; Awards for first-to-finish race winners
C420 (WSail)OpenParticipation Ribbons for all; Awards for first-to-finish race winners
C420 (Spinnaker) OpenParticipation Ribbons for all; Awards for first-to-finish race winners
ILCA/LaserOpenParticipation Ribbons for all; Awards for first-to-finish race winners
Keelboat Open Participation Ribbons for all; Awards for first-to-finish race winners

12. Rights to Use Name and Likeness

In participating in an event, a competitor or coach automatically grants the OA and the sponsors of the event, the right in perpetuity, to make, use, and show from time to time and at their discretion, any motion pictures, still pictures, and live, taped or filmed television and other reproductions of him/her during the period of the competition in the events in which the competitor or coach participates, and in all material related to the event without compensation.

13. Environmental Responsibility

The OA covenants to provide a Clean Regatta. There shall not be any disposable water bottles at this event and there will be refill stations on land and on water. Awards will not be distributed until after the premises at the OA have been cleaned up of all garbage and garbage sorted properly.

Ready to race? Register now!